It was not without some trepidation that I approached H2o for 2009. The event has been getting bigger and bigger every year, and with little sign of slowing down. I was sort of feeling that 2008 was a bit of a downer from years past, with increased police presence and a general vibe that it was the beginning of the end for what was once my favorite show of the year. All things which go up must come down as they say, and I figured this was H2O's time to go.
The hype and general legendary status as the best show in the USA meant more people, which means more crowds, more police, and a general chance for more douchebaggery. I've been going to Ocean City at least once a year since I was 14, so douchebaggery is nothing new, but when every other car is packing a VR6 turbo under the hood, something's bound to happen.
Thankfully, this was not the case for this year's show, and all my worry was for naught. The vibe was fun, and everyone seemed to be in a pretty good mood. Make no mistake, there were crowds beyond what anyone who has been going to the show as ever seen. I can recall Saturdays which maybe 50 to 100 people would show up for the "BBQ" and the vendors would generally stand around and talk shop, knowing Sunday was going to be the day with the crowds. This year's Saturday attendance must have topped Sunday's from the year prior, or at least it certainly looked it from the swarms of people crisscrossing Ocean Downs.
I suppose part of my wish to keep H2O smaller is that it was always
the fun event, even for those who had to work it, which is not typically the case for a big show. No partying anymore, no staying out late for me, but it ended up being a good time, regardless of my responsibilities. Kevin from FL and Robert from VA made the trek, and it was nice to catch up with old friends whom I don't see very often. In general 2009 was much better than 2008, and although the years of being able to run down the strip with only two or three cops on duty per night are long gone, I'm feeling positive that H2o will continue it's reign at the top of the heap here in the USA.

When I did get some time out on Friday I spent a good portion of it at the Convention center, watching the endless parade of cars arrive and depart, like commuter jets at JFK on a Monday morning. All lined up and ready for their turn down the runway. I did my best to capture the atmosphere, if not the most accurate (in focus, ha) images. The pan shots of cars entering the lot brings across some of that dizzying effect of constant sensory overload from all sides. Just one,
After another
After another
After another!
So just how good is H2Oi? Josh and I were hanging out with Cory and Matt from Euro Auto Source at Fish Tales, who were chatting up some attendees from the UK, from the infamous Edition 38 and Westside crews, longtime PVW legends, no doubt! I had a chance to ask just how H2O ranked on the worldwide scale, after all these guys have been to every show in Europe you can name. The general consensus was that only the legendary Worthersee GTI Treffen, the biggest, baddest VAG show in the world, could top H2O for sheer numbers, car quality, and general event insanity. Truth? Perhaps, but ultimately you have to attend and make up your own mind. See you in 2010...!
As a last note, the following is pretty much all I saw of the show. Such is life behind the booth, but there are worse ways to make a living! The full range of pics are over at the
Wolfsburg RS Flickr page.
Nate's (no relation) remote turbo VR6 Jetta was once again at the NGP booth. Looking and sounding as good as it now runs.

...As was David B's Mk2 GTI 16v turbo. This car has got to be one of the cleanest Mk2's I've seen in a long time. For some reason it doesn't get as much love as I think it deserves, but who knows, maybe people don't have taste these days?
Arno's TDi rounded out the cars at the NGP booth. His diesel here is no slouch either...over 200whp on a street driven TDI is no small matter, and the torque is even more impressive. Just watch out for the smoke screen when the throttle goes down!

Ali's Rallye Golf is running full R32 running gear. Very clean, very well done, and I'm sure pretty quick.
Matt's Jetta is looking pretty much the same as when Josh shot it for Eurotuner last year. Can't fault sits right and still looks fresh amongst the current crop of cars.
The VW Vortex booth was directly opposite ours, giving me the chance to stare at David H's recently back-on-the-road Mk1 GTI all day long. He and I have a bit of a bet going on whether or not his will make more power than my CIS 2.0 8v did. I tend to think not, but I'm hard headed about stuff like that, hehe. It does make me miss my old GTI, which was at the show and I missed.. (!!!) Brad from 1552 threw some of his RML Snowflakes on David's car for the show, and I have to say they look awesome in person. I stood one next to my Mk3, and I almost think they suit the Mk3 better than the Mk1!
I'm not a fan of the A5 / S5 in general, but this one caught my eye as I did a quick lap down the row we were in, this was at the Induktion booth. Maybe if they do an RS5 my opinion will change...
Ethan from 8380 had his E30 out for the first time, and it didn't do anything at all to lessen my desire for an E30 of my own. They're just perfect, like a Mk2 GTI. Not too big, not too small, and relatively plentiful. The BBS split wheels with gold centers and black accents are classics, and fit the car perfectly.
Lastly, this very clean Ginster Yellow GTI was hard to miss. I can't remember the booth is was stationed in, but it's hard to argue with a car this clean. The Porsche wheels (Club Sports I think?) are perfect on the Mk3.