The people...all 12 people....have spoken. They've decided to put Scirocco Madness into a dead heat between Mexico Blue, with black, or white, with blue. Well folks, it ain't gonna be white, because I already own a white car, and I don't want another one. I also think blue accents just wouldn't work on a Scirocco. It is after all, not a 911 GT3. (as much as I wish it was) Anyways, we're getting way ahead of ourselves. How far? Pretty damn far.

As you can see, we've made zero progress forward, and possible have taken steps backwards. Although I am now officially in possession of the title and keys, I found out a few things. First, and of least worry really, is that the front apron was indeed damaged when the "red necks with big machines" moved her. The bumper is tweaked too, and the burnt-out Corrado is trying to mate with her, but she's back against the wall and no one is going anywhere anytime soon.

We contemplated using the forklift to move the carcasses out of the way, but decided a god-knows-how-heavy forklift, uneven ground and a distinct lack of concrete or pavement would basically be the worst idea ever. So there she sits. Her paint had taken a lot of dings, dents and chips somehow, like a very large sandblaster sprayed the car with rocks. We're repainting so who cars, but still, it's annoying.

The other things awaited on the interior. The 16v kit is in place and ready to go...if by in place you mean piled on the driver's seat. The more time consuming fixes will involve the steering column (loose, standard Mk1 fare. In need of rebuild or replacement. Wish I hadn't thrown my old one out now!) and the wiring.

Oh yeah, the wiring. One of the things I was asking Jason when he was giving me the car was "why is this free." He responded that he's getting his money out of it by selling the suspension, oh yeah, and by the way, there may be some wiring problems, which is why it was parked in the first place. Fun stuff. Judging from the wires hanging out below the dash, I can't say I think he's making that up.

Speaking of fun stuff, I got my first fun parts for her. Actually I got these almost a year ago at Waterfest, but there's no way in hell I'm putting these on a street parked car in NYC. One of the best / worst steering wheel and shift knob combos ever made. The questionably awesome 80's Momo Benetton F1 models.

This rare, but not impossible to find set of restored goodness set me back just around $200, and as a fan of the wheel back in the day, I had to pick it up when I found it. I won't feel bad about actually using it since it's been re-dyed, but the color accents should compliment any exterior color I choose, especially Blue or Green, my two color finalists.

Finally, here's the sad, sad Rabbit GTI that will be giving up the last few valuable parts it possesses for der Scirocco. The transmission and suspension bits. This shell is still fairly straight, but the car has been treated poorly and it lacks a title, hence the reason it's been sitting for the last 7 years.

I think the 'Rocco officially needs a name now. It will forever continue to be Scirocco Madness, but she needs a name befitting her soon-to-be-awesomeness. Feel free to drop some suggestions below.
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