I haven't done any Save the 8v™ posts in a while, so I had to snap a few pics this evening to keep up the crusade. Arno from the shop is definitely doing his part. Not just an 8v, but the least loved of all, the lowly Mk4. This is admittedly his beater, since his monster horsepower TDI is out of commission, but although he's doing it on the cheap, he's not cheaping out. Best of all he beats the crap out of this car and it just comes back for more. Somehow he's already on transmission #2 (or is it #3?) with only around 140hp or so, but it's not what you've got, it's how you use it. Or so 'they' say.

Although you can't really see it here, he and Chad slotted the attachment point on the rear axle so that it sits in the middle of the wheel well. Not only does it look better, it rubs less AND apparently ended up with perfect alignment specs. I would never have guessed it, but the man is not one to do things by halves.

Arno was doing his mad-custom, on the cheap cold air intake tonight.

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