It was also because of this wedding (or at least a tailoring appointment) that I missed out on the debut of the APR Mk6 GTI at Barber Motorsports Park. It was not nearly as successful as it could have been for the S4, with a 2nd place position lost to a technical failure on lap 46. (can't recall what, engine?)

The GTis didn't fare much better, with a 10th, 12th and 24th, the 24th position going to the new Mk6 with APR owner Stephen Hooks on the roster. Grand Am has made some significant changes in the way they monitor and regulate turbo boost, and with these super strict limits the GTIs are essentially down on power significantly from the rest of the field. As Stephen said, something has to be done.

Here's an in-car from Josh Hurley in the 181...
This weekend sees the second round of the ALMS at Long Beach California, with the largest field they have ever had. GTC is full up with 10 entries, and it should prove to be a very exciting race from the bottom of the field (GTC) to the top (LMP). Be sure to download your Spotters Guide to keep up with all the entrants and cheer for your favorites. It goes without saying we'll be routing for the Lizards and Falken, flying the Porsche flags...

If I find any feeds with video I'll pass them along, but the guys from Radio Le Mans will be calling it as they see it, so it's pretty much as close to being there as you can get.

Oh, and I almost forgot, Audi scored a big old win with the R15 Plus at it's very first race! It was at Le Castellet in France (cool looking track eh?), and 8 hour event. I may have cared, and it may have actually mattered more if it was a real race like say, I don't know, Sebring, but it was 'just a test' according to Audi so I guess it was successful. Check out Fourtitude for a full run down. Word on the street is that Peugeot has something to worry about with the new car...
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