I was put on 'assistant' duty for a Photoshoot that Josh had to do yesterday, and while I was standing around during all the static shots, I took the opportunity to take some pics of his Mk5. Winter can be a real pain the ass to deal with from time to time...brutally cold, hard on cars and equipment (not to mention people) and short days followed by long cold nights. It's enough to drive anyone to the brink, but it does have one thing: Good light.

Now, I'm far from a professional here, but I have picked up a few things in all my years of being drafted into the helper position for Josh's photoshoots, and I know good light when I see it. Capturing it is another thing altogether, but hey, I'm learning. (and yes I know these were all shot in the shadows..I was trying to get the 'setting sun vibe')

The main duty of the helper position usually involves a bit more hustle than yesterday's shoot, but that's often because there are cars about to run someone over, or bags to move, whatever. This was a pretty low-key process, so my main duty was navigator during the moving shots.

I've gotten pretty good, and can get close enough for the wide-angle shots to would make the Blue Angels proud.

Josh's shoot will appear in a future issue of Total 911. (it's a Porsche mag from the UK)

Despite the wind, which was cutting through us like an axe through butter, it was a good day, and nice to be able to get off from work early to enjoy the time outside.

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