The word is spreading my friends. Matt from fellow east-coast shop extraordinaire, Black Forest Industries, has jumped on the bandwagon with total, complete, 100% commitment. I could never party with this guy, cause if this is what he does with a sticker, I couldn't imagine what he would do if he got his hands on a bottle of Jägermeister.

Matt's Mk1 is pretty much the ultimate Save the 8v candidate. It's an OG Rabbit GTI, and if anything deserves to be preserved (and doesn't need an engine swap) it's a Mk1 GTI. It also has a pretty dangerous looking hood release...

In Matt's own words: "She is an '84 2 seater, stripped out, JH block with 288* cam and a centerforce clutch, no a/c, riding on JOM coils... not much but she is fun as hell around town!"

With my first car being an 84 GTI I can attest to the potency of the basic Mk1 package. Although I could not disagree more on ripping out the CIS injection, which has more than enough capacity for the 1.8 8v, is dead reliable and easy to tune, he's got the spirit of the movement.

Oh yeah, and he spray-painted his f*cking hood before he added the sticker.

There's not much else to say, except that there are 10 bonus points awarded for the beer-in-koozie on the hood during installation of said sticker. So far Matt is officially in the lead of the Save the 8v campaign. Want to top him? Shoot me an email at wolfsburgrs@gmail.com and I'll send you a sticker. Additional swag, including shirts, coming soon...
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