Things got off to a pretty reasonable start on Saturday, and with a 12pm start time we only had to be at the track by around 8:00am or so. Things were quiet, but some decent cars showed up and with the chaps from 8380 on one side and BFI on the other, we had some good times chatting and generally not being too stressed out.

Some of the cooler machines included an R32-swapped Audi A3 (the pictures to those bright green rollers no justice by the way, they were BRIGHT) and a variety of on-the-ground show / no-go cars.

Jersey plates and an intercooler that size on a VR6 = a car you do not want to race. I can guarantee this thing is running at least 500whp (but probably higher), something you need when you're hitting the track (or highway) with the similarly equipped Hondas of the Tri-state area. They don't mess around in the garden state.
I would have shot more pics of the parking lot, but I couldn't be bothered to try and reason with the security about being a vendor and being allowed back in the "pay" area.

Saturday night was predictably insane on the strip, but for some reason I chose not to take any pictures of that. Seems stupid now that I think about it, but I was a little more pre-occupied with shooting long exposures with my tripod. Still getting the hang of that, but some turned out pretty good.

I'd estimate the number of cars parked at the convention center being about 1/10 what it would be for H2Oi. The cops on hand were more than cool with us hanging out there...there were more than enough yahoos on the strip to take care of, the vast majority of which were not VW / Audi drivers.

A little later night was to be followed by a little earlier morning on Sunday. Slow enough that I stole away from the booth to snap some pics of the main event...part 3 to follow!

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