Lately I've been digging in pretty deep to the vintage Porsche stuff. Truth be told I've got a few things in mind about a book, but I need to start getting my interviews locked down before I can get anywhere with that, or even begin to talk about what I want to do. It's a tad ambitious. Part of my obsession likely stems from our imminent trip down to Florida for the 12 Hours of Sebring in just two weeks. One of my favorite things is to check out pics from the Sebrings of the past, and there are few online picture archives as deep and impressive as Paul Woodbury's
Flickr stream.

I've posted up pics from him before, I think, so forgive me if I ramble on, but I just can't help it. Although I am under no illusions that my experience will be filled with cars as enigmatic and interesting as the fire-breathing 935s, 962s and the like, I'm still really looking forward to it. So much so that I have new lens on the way from Nikon to get a little closer on those pan shots. No press pass as of yet, but I still have a few threads to pull on that one.

I may not have been there back in the glory days, but thanks to enthusiasts like Paul who not only were there to take the pics, but take the time to scan them all in, at least I can try and soak up as much of the experience as is possible. Back when all it took to compete was a crew consisting of a few friends in t-shirts and jeans, and maybe a guy on a headset to let you know when to call the party off and let someone else take over the wheel.
All photos copyright Paul Woodbury -
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