I was really taken with the Roy Lichtenstein Group 5 320i that was on display a couple weeks back here in NYC. It combines a lot of elements I love...underdog status, big turbocharged power from a diminutive 4-cylinder engine, boxy and extreme aerodynamics...plus things I don't typically associate with Le Mans racers. i.e. a world famous artist.

Seeing these cars inside of the elegant confines of Grand Central Terminal really brought them to life in a way that other settings might not have. Grand Central feels enough like an art gallery as it is, so it wasn't much of a stretch to appreciate them as such.

Be sure to stop on over to the
WRS Flickr page to check out a bunch of additional pictures, in addition to this shown here....enjoy! I will also add a section of desktop sized / resolution images to the account pretty soon, so if anyone has a favorite let me know and I'll get them loaded in the near future.

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