This weekend thou shalt get thyself to York, Pennsylvania for the the 4rd annual V.A.G. Fair - the brain child of the one and only Cory Sterling. Cory has helped out Jay Shoup with H20 International for years, and he's now put all that experience of working on arguably the best VW / Audi show in the country into his own little show, in his own backyard.
I won't be making it myself but it'll be worth it...new for 2010 is an SCCA Autocross (awesome) and old favorites like the show fields, vendor areas and...dunk tank. Don't forget that Pennsylvania is a serious strong hold of old-school VW heads, so there will be many older Mk1 and Mk2 cars that don't make it to all the other out of state shows.
It will truly be, as they proclaim, "A Cory Nation Celebration!" That probably means something about beer, just FYI.
V.A.G. Fair
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