I referenced the Momo 935 pit truck in another post about a year ago, and here we have another shot with Dr. Moretti aka Mr. Momo, and the Momo Rabbit Pickup. I snagged this the the Pelican Parts forums, where there is a vast supply of vintage photos thanks to a few key members. Obviously this is a cutout of an ad for something, maybe Bosch?
Moretti had a certain fondness for Joest-built Porsche 935s, this one being an earlier model based on the standard 935 chassis, and the one pictured in the previous post being an aluminum tube-frame Joest Moby Dick copy. Yes. Aluminum tube-frame. You'll note that the car is sporting Penthouse Magazine co-sponsorship, and Moretti is accompanied by Dominique Maure who was the official spokeswoman of the Penthouse / Momo team.
DeNarvaez Enterprises is a sponsor on the car as well, and some time after this picture was taken this Joest 935J was repainted in the traditional DeNarvaez racing colors of blue with a tri-color band of yellow, orange and red, while retaining less extensive Momo and Penthouse sponsorship. Based on the car and the paint-scheme, this picture was likely taken between in early 1981. DeNarvaez first ran with the Momo team in 1980 at the Daytona Finale. Beginning in 1981 Mauricio DeNarvaez started driving full-time with Momo, so based on that and the settting I would bet this was taken at the 12 Hours of Sebring in 1981 where they finished 6th (DNF'd) with Charles Mendez.
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