This past Saturday my wife and I were going to see a friend's band play a show, and we got done with dinner a bit early so we decided to stroll around a bit and work off a few calories before hitting the bar. If there's one thing I've learned after living in NYC the past 6 years it's that you can pretty much expect to see anything at anytime. Crazy people, famous people, rare cars, expensive cars, pretty much anything is possible at any time. There are certain things you do not ever really expect however, and seeing the 2010 Championship DTM AMG C Class Mercedes sitting alone in a giant and unfinished new dealership is certainly one of those things. So when we happened upon this only-in-New York scene, naturally I decided to take some pictures....

It certainly was strange. A car from a series which doesn't run in the USA, sitting amongst the raw concrete, packing boxes and blankets, and is one of 2010 DTM champion Paul Di Resta's machines.

I have to admit that I do not follow DTM (or F1 now that I mention it) so the significance of this being one of Di Resta's cars was a bit lost on me at the time. I wonder if it's still there? Could be...

I was thinking that more likely than not this was used in the New York Auto show, which was just ending, and could be held over for future use at the dealership grand opening.

The dealership is positively massive by the way. Built from the ground up for Mercedes (Google street view still shows an empty construction site), it dominates the corner, and is just the sort of design you would expect from one of the world's richest brands in one of the world's richest cities.

The garage door just to the left of the car was open for a few minutes while employees took a smoke break, but they seemed less than approachable and shut things down before I could decide whether or not to ask them if I could pop inside for a better view. Either way, it was cool little surprise on an otherwise normal Saturday night in NYC.

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