I generally find myself to be a decisive person...except of course when I'm not. Generally though once I put my mind to do something, or am already in motion, I will keep plowing ahead like the bull that I am. This is usually how I 'get things done,' but when it came time to pick up the VW Sport IMSA GTI, it was what could have very nearly put us off the road, or worse.
Observe: A beautiful winter day. Nearly 70 degrees Fahrenheit and warm sun beaming down from overhead as I began to unpack the show-displays from trailer which I was borrowing from
work, and got things sorted out for an early start on Saturday morning. My friend and co-worker (and very occasional contributor here) Jason had agreed to come along, and although it was going to be a marathon day, both of us were really looking forward to the road trip. Sure it was expected to be about a 13 hour drive round trip, but it was exciting! We were on our way to pick up the GTI...
At approximately 4:45 AM I received a text messsage from Steve, who rather ironically (or is it coincidentally) would be heading to Baltimore for the weekend, which concluded with 'A little snow this morning tapering off this afternoon. Safe trip!'" Hmm. I had forgotten that the region of New York State where we were heading was in fact quite far north compared to New York City, where I live, and the weather could indeed be different there. However I couldn't recall any mention of snow on any forecasts mentioning snow out west, so I got in my car and headed up to NGP's shop.