I have to thank both Blak Squirrel and the future missus WRS for an outstanding early Christmas present. Ms WRS made the purchase, and Blak Squirrel put up the product for an outstanding price....his well used, well loved, and really quite nice Nikon D70. YES! A real camera. Many a quality photo and cover has been shot with this camera, and I'm honored that he sold it to me (and that MsWRS bought it) for such a killer price. As he said he hasn't used it once since he upgraded a couple years back, but I think it still has the goods. As an example, check out some super-awesome pictures I took this fine evening...yeah I know it's not car related, that'll have to come in the near future...

Not bad right? J wasn't about to give up any of his lenses for the paulty sum I paid for the body, so I did some searching and decided to order from
www.usedcameras.com. In my searches I knew that I needed a zoom with a little range, but the pricey 18-200 jack-of-all-trades was a bit too much in one package, and I wanted a little more range than the venerable 18-70 that the camera originally came with. So it was down to the 18-105 and the 18-135. I also didn't need, nor could I afford, a mondo awesome pricey lens. A basic Nikkor kit lens is fine for me right now.

Basically I decided that my amateur eye would benefit more from the lens shake reduction on the 105 than it would with the extra range of the 135...and so I placed an order and just a couple short days later it arrived in NYC! I know there are a lot of used camera gear spots out there, and although they were short on the info during the shipping process, the lens was a steal, exactly as described, and I got a free hat, so I'll definitely go to usedcameras.com next time I need a lens.

Anyway, I'm just super stoked on this one, as I am with my newsed (that's new to me but used) 1984 Schwinn Super Le Tour. And before you ask, no I'm not doing a fix gear conversion. I like the old-school stuff to stay pure and natural, and honestly I don't have a death wish to ride a fixie in NYC. Plus I read
Bike Snob NYC,I'm not about willingly make myself a target for a gentleman with a wit as sharp as his!

More to come my friends, more to come...but in the meantime check out the MUCH higher quality pics over at the
WRS Flickr Page.
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